Streamline security policies and boost real-time enforcement through comprehensive integrations, without relying on R&D resources

Aleph Approach

With concepts in hand, we meticulously design, refining every detail to align with your vision and objectives

The world as we know it

Identify the Issue

How’s Aleph changing that?

Progress Mechanisms

How does Aleph do that?

Aleph's Framework in Action

The world as we know it

Complex User Authentication

Managing user authentication within proprietary applications presents a significant challenge, often requiring bespoke solutions that are resource-intensive to develop in-house and maintain.

Challenging Security Product Integration

The integration of security products within applications is fraught with difficulties, complicating the implementation of a coherent security posture.

Business Logic Security is Overlooked

Implementing security alerts that accurately reflect the business logic of proprietary applications is challenging, often leading to gaps in detecting and responding to relevant security threats.

How’s Aleph changing that?

Enhanced Application Behavior Monitoring

Aleph AppSec advances the monitoring of application behavior, enabling the identification of abnormalities that may indicate security issues, without overly taxing application performance or user experience.

Streamlined Security Integration

Offering easy integration with a wide range of intelligence and security tools, Aleph simplifies the enhancement of application security, making it more accessible and less reliant on specialized R&D input.

Focused Business Logic Protection

With capabilities to identify violations of business logic, Aleph provides a strategic layer of security that is finely tuned to the specific operational contexts of applications, ensuring that alerts are both relevant and actionable.

How does Aleph do that?

Abnormal Behavior Identification

Aleph enables your security teams to pinpoint and investigate unusual application behavior, providing a critical tool in the early detection of potential security threats.

Seamless Tool Integration

Facilitating the effortless integration with intelligence tools, Aleph enhances application security frameworks with advanced analytics and threat intelligence.

Violations Alerts

Aleph’s ability to define and alert on violations offers a targeted approach to application security, ensuring that teams can rapidly respond to the most pertinent threats based on the company’s unique business logic.

In-App Real-Time Decisions & Response

The module's in-app integration capability allows real-time decisions, responses and actions, significantly reducing the window for potential exploitation by malicious actors.

Test Yourself

Do You Need Aleph Appsec?
In Aleph we have all the answers
  • When a user logs in from a hidden browser/suspicious location, can you block them?
  • If someone is brute-forcing a password field, do you get alerted?
  • Can you automatically stop actions that go against your policy?
  • When needed, is adding security alerts/automations to your app straightforward?
  • Can your app detect unusual user behavior that doesn't fit normal patterns?
  • Do you have a single dashboard to manage all security alerts and incidents?
In Aleph we have all the answers

User Stories

Application Security Experience

Aleph App Security

for Industries

Challenge accepted! We love tackling tough questions.
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